Welcome to Brownell Elementary School!
Meet the Principal

Welcome to Brownell Elementary School. Home to the Brownell Buffaloes! We are located at 60th and Aylesworth in northeast Lincoln. Brownell was named after the Herbert Brownell family and was dedicated in 1965.
Brownell Elementary serves approximately 330 students in our preschool through fifth grade program. Specialist teachers in art, music, physical education, computer science, and library media use their expertise and talents to provide a well-rounded program for our students.
At Brownell Elementary School, we provide a caring, safe, and productive environment that promotes high levels of student engagement and effort. Students who follow the H.E.R.D expectations are honest, express respect, responsible, and determined.
Brownell Elementary School’s talented staff are committed to making school a great experience for our students. Our staff work diligently to provide instruction for students at their success level, differentiating instruction so all students are challenged and feel success. We honor the unique strengths, talents, and diversity of each of our students and dedicate our efforts to help each of them experience individual success.
We value the partnership with our parents and our community. Parents know their children best and our partnership is valuable in helping us to support the unique needs of students. We are fortunate to have an active and supportive Student Neighborhood and Community (SNAC) partnership.
Brownell is fortunate to be a Community Learning Center. We partner with Northeast Family Center and are able to offer extended learning opportunities before and after school. There are also extended learning opportunities during summer and school breaks. Our site supervisor is Kathryn Kirschbaum. You can contact her via phone at (402) 613-7432 or email at kathryn.kirschbaum@lps.org.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me at 402-436-1127 if you have questions or if I can be of assistance to you.
Warmest Regards,
Nikosia Kruse
About our School
Brownell Elementary School was named after the Herbert Brownell family and dedicated in 1965. Brownell became a Title I Targeted Assisted school in 2008 and became a Title Wide school in 2012. There are 300 students, grades kindergarten through fifth, served at Brownell. We also have one section of all day preschool. We are located at 60th and Aylesworth Avenue in northeast Lincoln.
Brownell Vision
Where teaching and learning create hope: feel the energy, hear the excitement, see the possibilities.
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